Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Here’s how to set up a jailed / chrooted SFTP/SCP environment for a single user: Note: This is a little specific for Debian in some places, but it should work for other distributions too. You may need to tweak the jailkit configurations in /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini a bit. Get jailkit (http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/index.html#download). Jailkit is an awesome tool that’ll […]
Here’s a quick list of the Firefox extensions I’m currently using: CookieSafeDeny/allow cookies per-site. DOM InspectorInspect the DOM tree. Useful for debugging Javascript stuff. Download statusbarNo more Downloads pop-ups. This extension puts all your downloads in a bar in the bottom of the window. FirebugThis extension shouldn’t be missing from your firefox plugins list if […]
Sometimes it takes a little while to realise something is actually really stupid. Take this for example: “Chalk one up for teachers. What better way to present educational materials than with a template that evokes the classic image of the teaching profession?” It’s an KeyNote theme. KeyNote is a tool for creating presentations for the […]
I’ve heard about XMLHttpRequest before, but never really gave it much attention. Which means I didn’t even know what it was supposed to do, and therefor never looked into it further. Turns out it’s pretty neat though. If you’re a webdeveloper, you must know how we deal with stuff like changing the values in a […]
RSS, sometimes claimed to mean Really Simple Syndication and other times said to mean RDF Site Summary, is an XML format for listing new ‘items’ on, for instance, a website. Items can describe just about anything, from news items to new forum posts. I particulary like the meaning ‘Really Simple Syndication’. When you first look […]
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