Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
A while ago I fiddled around with my Vim configuration, and I removed some things I thought weren’t necessary. A little while later I noticed that, when I copied things in a terminal Vim by selecting them with the mouse or a normal visual selection, I couldn’t paste them into other X11 programs such as […]
(The lastest version of this article is always available in stand-alone HTML format and in PDF format. The original AsciiDoc source is also available. Please link to the HTML version, not this Blog post!) Update 19 Februari 2017: Alexandre Grojsgold has emailed me to say that these instructions are still valid as of 2017 for OpenSuse 11.2 and […]
I’ve been trying to get MacOS X working on VirtualBox for a while now, and it never worked due to some ACPI problems. The latest versions of VirtualBox have added MacOS X Server as a guest possibility, and it also seems to have fixed some problems with running the normal Mac OS X. I got […]
Maatkit is a suite of command-line tools for MySQL. It contains some rather nifty things for query analyses, replication, and other stuff. Some of the more interesting highlights: mk-deadlock-loggerExtract and log MySQL deadlock information. mk-log-playerSplit and play MySQL slow logs. mk-error-logFind new and different MySQL error log entries. mk-index-usageRead queries from a log and analyze […]
In kind of a follow up to my previous post on using find and sed to search and replace multiple files, I found out something else. I needed to find and replace something in every file, except for any files which had “.svn” in them. After struggling for a few fruitless minutes with -regex, I […]
I always kept a small Python script around for searching and replacing in Linux. Turns out that GNU sed has an inline edit mode which I didn’t know about: -i[SUFFIX], –in-place[=SUFFIX] edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied) This makes searching and replacing in files as simple as: find . -name “*.txt” -print0 […]
I have a laptop that travels with me to work as well as being used at home. I have a number of network CIFS mounts that I like to have available when I am at home, so I have them set to “auto” in /etc/fstab. […] The problem is that when I shift locations, I […]
Since Debian 4.0 or some such, when your MAC address changes, your interfaces changes too. So if you spoof the MAC address of your nic, or you clone a Debian 5.0 VirtualBox guest and assign it a new different random MAC address, or if your nic broke down and you replaced it, the new nic […]
ArchFS is a FUSE (user-space, so it does not require a special kernel module, other than the FUSE kernel module) file system on top of rdiff-backup (an incremental backup tool). It allows you to mount a rdiff-backup repository and then provides an easy way to maneuver through the various revisions in that repository.
Here’s an interesting article on trying to understand TCP performance. It discusses how the TCP flow-control window (receive buffer), window scaling, selective ACKs and some other TCP features/options affect your link’s speed. Of course it’s only a tiny fraction of the total picture that is link performance, but it’s an interesting read. There’s also a […]
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