
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: projects

Nimf v0.1.1

After a long time without releases, Nimf version 0.1.1 is finally here. This new version includes some new features (support for changing rights and ownership) and various (speed improvements) hacks. Correction: That would be version 0.1.1, not 1.1

GDB Tutorial

Version 0.2 of the GDB Debugging: A quick introduction article.

Proms v0.10

I had to repackage Proms v0.10 about 6 times because every time I’d find a new bug in the installer or something else which didn’t show up during the testing.. but it’s finally here: Proms v0.10.

WTP v0.7.0

Go fetch WTP v0.7.0 while it’s still hot! Changes include some bugfixes, better errorchecking and register_globals=off compatiblity. FTP servers on different ports and anonymous ftp access are also supported in this release. Next to these, I rewrote some parts and cleaned up other parts. Hope you enjoy it.

School & WTP

There! I’m done. My last school project is over, and we’ve once again been able to scrape together a rather nice grade. 75/100 For the course we had to give about Linux Kernel Internals and a 80/100 for the Researchreport. I’ve finally gotten almost all of my grades for all the other courses. All that […]


I just released Proms v0.9 (Changelog). I’ve got the flue at the moment, so I might have forgotten some important thing in this release which might break it. I ran a quick test though, and everything seemed fine.


Pieterpost v0.10.8 released.

Covide going open source

Years ago I worked for a small company named Terrazur (back then it was named Assist-Online, actually). There I continued something which I started with Zetion. This something happened to be our graduation project from college. At Terrazur I worked as an intern on improving and adding various modules to Covide (at one time called […]

GDB Debugging article

Placed the initial version of my new GDB Debugging: A quick introduction tutorial/guide online.Released PieterPost 0.10.7, which fixes a security bug.


The latest version of WTP, which is WTP 0.6.3 and which has just been released contains a bugfix for the wrong sizes of pop-up windows, directory listings can now show or hide hidden files, directories will always be displayed at the top of the files list and FTP rawlist summary lines are now hidden (again).

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