
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: projects

ListPatron v0.1.1 released

Ooh, a major bug crept into v0.1 of ListPatron. Apparently, if you loaded a ListPatron file, it wouldn’t save that file anymore. Only new files were saved. Saving also still worked if you used Save As… Stupid! It’s fixed in the v0.1.1 release. (Also fixed the README, which said you had to have GTK development […]

Nethack statistics II

Did some more work on the Nethack Statistics. (Script attached to the end of the file) It’s still much to slow. Running it on my logfile with 288 lines takes 8 seconds. 1 Second would even be too much for such a small file. Of course, the Bash script is horrible, and it calls on […]

Nethack statistics

Fairly useless Nethack Statistics.

ListPatron 0.1 released

Now that I’ve finally completely integrated the GNU building environment with ListPatron, and have fixed the last outstanded serious bugs, I have release ListPatron v0.1. Thanks to Michiel for testing the release package.

Autoconf / Automake

I’ve been working all weekend on getting my latest project, ListPatron (which hasn’t been released yet) working with the GNU Build environment. I had to move a lot of stuff around in CVS, which I don’t particularly like since that means older checkouts won’t work anymore. Alas, nothing I can do about it, except perhaps […]

Still working on ListPatron

I’m still working on ListPatron. Here’s a little in-between screenshot which shows the sorting rules. What’s still left to do before releasing version 0.1?: Finish the sorting Sort rule loading/saving (70% done) Dialog polishing (80% done) Code cleanup (80%) Sort list on header click Some memory-leak fixing Bug fixing Testing Package building That’s aboutit.

gExec v0.2

gExec v0.2 was released Changes include: Duplicate history entries are now removed Various bug / memory leak fixes Tabcompletion of arguments as well as program names Settings Better command launching and error reporting Release overview here.

WTP v1.1

Thanks to my uncle Guus, who found a small bug in WTP. The bug was caused by quotes and some other non-common characters in path or filenames. It has been fixed in WTP v1.1.

Listpatron sneak-preview

It might appear that I haven’t been working on any projects for a while, but looks are deceiving. A little while ago I announced that I would be diving into GTK 2.0 in preperation of the porting of Nimf to GTK 2. I started with creating some simple lists and, before I knew it, I […]

Nethack Sokoban levelset

I’ve created a levelset of sokoban levels for XSok, the sokoban game for Linux. The levels are a copy of the Sokoban levels in Nethack. I use them to practice a level before playing it live in Nethack. (If you make a single mistake in the Nethack Sokoban levels there’s a chance you can’t finish […]

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