Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
The other day I had to gather some statistics from a database, and the statistics needed to be grouped and filtered by weeknumbers. I ran into something a bit unexpected. Let’s say we have the follow table definition: CREATE TABLE test ( start DATETIME NOT NULL ); We insert the following dates for testing purposes: […]
Here’s a fairly simple way of creating PEAR package so you can distribute your application or library as a PEAR package. Premise. Let’s assume you’ve written an application or library called ‘MyApp’. The following is a possible directory structure layout: myapp/ |- MyApp.php \- MyAap/ \- MyApp/MyLib.php Install the PackageFileManager. Since writing a package file […]
At the company I work for (ZX), we needed a simple yet powerful templating language for PHP. I googled around a bit for something, but we couldn’t really find anything. So I wrote Templum, and ZX was kind enough to allow me to release it as Open Source under the MIT License. From the Templum […]
I’ve written a tool called MyQryReplayer: MyQryReplayer is a tool which can read the MySQL query log and replay an entire session’s worth of queries against a database (SELECT queries only by default). While doing so, it records the time each query took to run, and any queries that failed including their error messages. MyQryReplayer […]
FastCGI is a hybrid solution to serving web applications written in a wide variety of programming languages. It sits somewhere between CGI, which spawns a new instance of the web application for each request, and the various web server modules (such as mod_php, mod_python and mod_wsgi) which take care of pre-spawning a pool of interpreters […]
There is a post up on Bill Moorier’s blog about the usefulness of Unit Testing. In it, he writes the following, which largely sums up his post: The metric I, and others I know, have used to judge unit testing is: does it find bugs? The answer has been no. For the majority of the […]
I’ve been hearing a lot of “With language X, you’ll write code 10 times faster!” kind of remarks in the last couple of years, where “language X’ can be substituted for the latest hip language or framework. I might even have shouted it about Python a couple of times myself. But does it really matter […]
Here’s a little explanation of a possible dependency resolution algorithm. I’ve made this as basic as possible, so it’s easy to understand. If you’re at home in (graph) algorithms, this post is probably not of much interest to you. Premise Suppose we have five objects which all depend on some of the other objects. The […]
There’s something I have to get off my chest. I HATE it when things in Python pretend to be something they are not. I often use IPython to introspect things so I know how to use them. Lately, I’ve been running into more and more libraries which return things that pretend to be one thing, […]
Okay. So what’s cool about Python? I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to show skeptics why Python is cool, what Python can do that their favorite language can’t do. So I’m writing a bunch of articles showing off Python’s Awesomeness. All articles in this series: Why Python Rocks I: Inline documentation Why […]
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