Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Since thursday I’ve been working on creating a rather nice new building environment for my projects. The building environment will be used for automatic compilation of sourcecode and manuals and uploading to the proper webspaces. My old environment was nice, but is now falling a bit behind. It can’t really handle building debian/rpm packages and […]
What’s involved in becoming a programmer? Technical skills, management skills, documentation skills, design skills, team skills, etc. Read all about it in this article: How to become a programmer
Lately I’ve been hearing all kinds of people say “Linux doesn’t have a decent IDE”. For those that don’t know: an IDE is an Integrated Development Evironment, which means that you get a tool that includes all kinds of other tools with which you can easily develop programs. It’s kind of like a mix between […]
An article on OSDN DevChannel describes various Rapid Application Developement tols for Linux. It’s in three parts: Part 1 (Database Frontends), Part 2 (Visual Linux Basics) and Part 3 (More RAD tools). It doesn’t feature all there is about RAD for LInux. I know this because I once conducted a fairly in-depth research into them […]
There’s an interesting article at the Linux Gazette about writing efficient C programs. It’s mostly just general tips about programming, not really technological in-depth. Still makes a good read though.
There’s an interesting article on C# and it’s design goals on artima.com. In the article they talk with Anders Hejlsberg, the projectleader for the development of C# at Microsoft. They talk about the differences of C#, Java and C++ and why they made some of the choices they did. Really teaches you a lot on […]
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