
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: programming


Now that I’ve taken the job at ZXFactory, I’ll be doing some heavy-duty PHP programming again. It’s been a while since I last programmed in PHP. (Not that I’ve forgotten how to do so). I did a little research for some functional specifications I am working on at ZX and found some interesting sites and […]


A little while ago my coworker was visiting this site, and I quite liked the idea. I’ve always felt that there’s too much nonsense news around on the web, and scanning all news sources has become an increasingly difficult and tedious task. Fortunatelly there’s RSS, which allows you to view the headlines of all interesting […]

Programming Languages history poster

“For 50 years, computer programmers have been writing code. New technologies continue to emerge, develop, and mature at a rapid pace. Now there are more than 2,500 documented programming languages! O’Reilly has produced a poster called History of Programming Languages (PDF), which plots over 50 programming languages on a multi-layered, color-coded timeline.” Here’s the Full […]

The mess that is RSS

RSS, sometimes claimed to mean Really Simple Syndication and other times said to mean RDF Site Summary, is an XML format for listing new ‘items’ on, for instance, a website. Items can describe just about anything, from news items to new forum posts. I particulary like the meaning ‘Really Simple Syndication’. When you first look […]

Beauty, taste and good design

Paul Graham talks about how good programming design relates to beauty and therefor taste. In the article he compares many different fields like mathmatics, physics and art with program design. He talks about what they have in common and why some of it works and some of it doesn’t. Interesting ‘programming is art’ article.

Python stability

I’m doubting Python’s stability: Traceback (most recent call last): File “./bla.py”, line 76, in ? print rssItemsLastSeen NameError: name ‘rssItemsLastSeen’ is not defined Segmentation fault I wasn’t even doing anything out of the ordinary.. Just fiddling around a bit with lists and dictionaries. Nice going python! ;-)


Yes! Part 3 of the excerpt on the XSLT 2.0 book.

RPM Packages

DevChannel has a link to an article on Linux Magazine about RPM package creation. The article is more of a plug for the package format than an unbiased introduction. But it’s interesting non the less. I’ve been working on a new build enviroment which will also support creating RPM’s, so this article was posted at […]


Part two of the XSLT excerpt from the book “XSLT 2.0 Web Development” is out on DevChannel.

XSLT 2.0

OSDN’s DevChannel is carrying an excerpt on XSLT 2.0 from the book “XSLT 2.0 Web Development“. The article discussing some of the new things in XSLT 2.0. Look promissing. Of course you can always check out the XSLT 2.0 standard at w3.org to see what’s changed.

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