
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: programming


I’ve heard about XMLHttpRequest before, but never really gave it much attention. Which means I didn’t even know what it was supposed to do, and therefor never looked into it further. Turns out it’s pretty neat though. If you’re a webdeveloper, you must know how we deal with stuff like changing the values in a […]

I need Beta testers

Lately I’ve been working on a new project called MetaCoding. MetaCoding is a Meta Newssite which gathers programming-related news from around the internet and offers it in a central location. Meta News for coders. The backend code for the project is done, and is in need of testing. If you are interested in helping me […]

Frantic coding

Yesterday I set a new personal record concerning heavy-duty coding. I produced 200 kilobyte of code in one day. Worked non-stop from 08:30 to 20:35. That’s almost 17 kilobyte per hour. Now of course you’re probably wondering on what exactelly I’ve been coding so frantically. That’ll be revealed in a couple of days hopefully. Right […]

I hate….

It should speak for itself because, you know, who doesn’t.. but still: I HATE Javascript. Really. I bloody hate it. I’m not even going to explain why I hate it. If you don’t know, you should try working with it some time. It’s hilarious, truely! I mean.. even location.href=…. has undocumented behaviour. Such a simple […]

XML i18n

Uche Ogbuji (remember that name. If you ever run into anything having to do with XML you’ll see his name popping up everywhere) writes on his O’Reilly developers weblog: “I think the most pervasive problem in XML adoption is ingorance and even wilful sabotage of the international foundation on which XML is built. In several […]

CVS v.s. Subversion

Just the other day I realised something: CVS Sucks. I mean, you can’t even move a file around in the repository! How dumb is that? It also has all kinds of problems with empty directories and other file problems in general. So I decided to do some research into Subversion. And it just so happens […]

Listpatron sneak-preview

It might appear that I haven’t been working on any projects for a while, but looks are deceiving. A little while ago I announced that I would be diving into GTK 2.0 in preperation of the porting of Nimf to GTK 2. I started with creating some simple lists and, before I knew it, I […]

Laws of developers documentation

During my programming years, I’ve noticed that Developers documentation adhears to a couple of laws: If you write documentation, they don’t read it. If you don’t write documentation, they complain about it. If you update documentation regularly, they don’t. If you don’t update documentation, they complain about it. If you read other people’s documentation and […]

o:XML; a XML based programming language

This looks pretty inconvenient: Programming with o:XML. It’s an XML based programming language. Pretty useless, if you ask me.


PHP 5 has been released. New features: * The Zend Engine II with a new object model and dozens of new features. * XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are now focused around the excellent libxml2 library (http://www.xmlsoft.org/). * A new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML as […]

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