
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: programming

Failures count more than Successes

Failures count more than Successes. A nice article on the understated importance of correctly handling software failures.

Natural order sorting

It’s sometimes humbling to learn new things about programming which are actually really basic stuff. Things that should have been obvious but which you never really thought off. Take for instance the subject of sorting. Sorting is done via an algorithm which compares strings (a collection of characters). There are different types of comparisons from […]

Your new Open Source project

Nice article on Newsforge How to plan your new open source project Lots of startup projects on the big online free software repositories have been abandoned right after being created, or linger in alpha stage for many years. I have founded four open source projects, of which two have been successful, while the other two […]

ListPatron and GtkGrid

So far I’ve been using GTK’s GtkTreeView in ListPatron. While this works fairly well, editing and manipulating columns is quite a hassle. For instance, it is practically impossible to select a column, let alone more than one column. Someone on #gtk+ (FreeNode IRC network) pointed me to GtkGrid. I’ve done some research on grids for […]

ListPatron v0.1.1 released

Ooh, a major bug crept into v0.1 of ListPatron. Apparently, if you loaded a ListPatron file, it wouldn’t save that file anymore. Only new files were saved. Saving also still worked if you used Save As… Stupid! It’s fixed in the v0.1.1 release. (Also fixed the README, which said you had to have GTK development […]

Nethack statistics II

Did some more work on the Nethack Statistics. (Script attached to the end of the file) It’s still much to slow. Running it on my logfile with 288 lines takes 8 seconds. 1 Second would even be too much for such a small file. Of course, the Bash script is horrible, and it calls on […]

I’m Debugging…

The Corrupt Stack Frame picks up a +6 SegFault. The Corrupt Stack Frame wields a +6 SegFault! What do you want to wield? [- a or ?*]a a – a blessed +3 debugger called GDB (weapon in hand). You miss the Corrupt Stack Frame. You miss the Corrupt Stack Frame. The Corrupt Stack Frame hits! […]

ListPatron 0.1 released

Now that I’ve finally completely integrated the GNU building environment with ListPatron, and have fixed the last outstanded serious bugs, I have release ListPatron v0.1. Thanks to Michiel for testing the release package.

Autoconf / Automake

I’ve been working all weekend on getting my latest project, ListPatron (which hasn’t been released yet) working with the GNU Build environment. I had to move a lot of stuff around in CVS, which I don’t particularly like since that means older checkouts won’t work anymore. Alas, nothing I can do about it, except perhaps […]

Software development lesson: Don’t refactor and implement

Well, today I’ve learned another valuable lesson about software development in the ‘real’ world. Today’s lesson is: When working on a new version of some piece of software, do not plan on refactoring and/or reimplementing features whilst at the same time planning on implementing new features. At my job, I’m currently working on integrating an […]

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