
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: programming

PHP Function Overloading

The other day I was looking if it was possible with PHP5 to do function overloading. For those that don’t know, function overloading is the technique of being able to call a single function in different ways. Suppose, for instance, that you’ve got a function formatDate($date) that returns a date formatted as a string dd-mm-yyyy. […]

xo.inborn.net RSS feed

Because my friend Zetion is too lazy to create a RSS feed for his web log, I’ve made one for him. Lazy bastard! ;-) Update: Yes! My strong-arm tactics have succeeded in forcing Zetion to create a RSS feed! Finally! I’m so happy, I think I’m gonna cry. Thanks, Zetion.

Two types of programmers

The way I see it, there are two types of programmers*: The practical programmer, and The academic programmer The practical programmer The practical programmer knows his stuff. He is experienced and knows what will and won’t work. He’s been through the same training as every other software engineer and has learned the same things. When […]

Keeping package management in mind

If you write and release Free Software, it may be a good idea to keep some things in mind. Just to, you know, make life a little easier on the package maintainers.

Playground: Online Webbased TicTacToe

Here’s a little TicTacToe game which can be played online in your browser against an reallife opponent. Everything is interactive, no need to refresh anything. It uses XMLHttpRequest to do Client 2 Server 2 Client communications.

WebGUI toolkit: A (small) proof-of-concept

Felt a little better today (I’ve got the flu), so I decided to do some hacking. I had this idea for a while about building a WebGUI toolkit with Widgets and all that stuff. So I made a little Proof-of-Concept. More (just barely) information can be found in the Playground. Imagine what you could do […]

Proms v0.11 …

Proms v0.11 is progressing nicely. Some time ago I started the testing phase, but since then have added enough new features to merrit a restart of that testing phase. Included in the new release will be a lot of bugfixes, security fixes, addition of files and a new and improved interface. For a sample of […]

Regular Expression Library

Welcome to RegExLib.com, the Internet’s first Regular Expression Library. Currently we have indexed 909 expressions from contributors around the world.

Programming playground

I’ve added a new section called Playground to the Projects page. It’s where I’ll be stashing all experiments I do for various things like CSS, PHP, DHTML, Javascript, Soap, XMLHttpRequest stuff, etc.

Bug priorities

Suppose there are two bugs in an application you’re writing: One is a bug that is in everybody’s face. All of the testers have noticed it, and it has already been reported numerous times. The real end-users are bound to find it. However, it is a trivial bug and the behaviour it causes is easily […]

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