Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
I added a self-made MySQL SQL syntax Quick Reference to the articles section. It has information, taken from the online MySQL reference manual, on Data definition (CREATE and ALTER TABLE) and Data manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT) syntaxis. For now the HTML version is pretty crappy. This is because OpenOffice’s HTML export isn’t showing background […]
PHPbar is a pretty nice sidebar for your browser which contains a quick reference for PHP.
I recently started the CodeByExample project, which focusses on me putting online all my small code examples for various languages. The main idea here is to create a large repository of small, atomic, code examples for everyday things. For instance, there’s a little code snippet on how to daemonize (detach from the console and keep […]
What’s with all the stupid release names of FOSS projects? Columba 1.0 “Holy Moly“. Firefox 1.5 “Deerpark” I mean, just the trend of nicknaming releases is annoying, but the idiotic names make it even worse.
DataQ release v0.3. Changes in this release include: Queues can now be spooled to persistant storage device upon certain events (queue writes, server shutdown). Server now logs its PID in a PID file. Rewrite of configuration parser. Various small bugfixes in server. Various code cleanups in server. Bugfix in test case 4.
Those who are familiar with Unix commandline tools like grep, sed and cut will know about the enormous power they provide. They make it a breeze to mangle, transform and retrieve information in and from text files. Unfortunately, they’re mostly dependant on row and column based information. That is, they expect each line in a […]
Through this article on Newsforge, I found out about IPython, an enhanced interactive Python shell. It sure works more comfortable than the default interactive Python interpretor. ONLamp.com has a somewhat more indepth article on IPython.
The King and the Toaster Once upon a time, in a kingdom not far from here, the king summoned two of his advisors for a test. He showed them both a shiny metal box with two slots in the top, a control knob, and a lever. “What do you think this is?” he asked. One […]
Something so simple, yet so hard to figure out. I’ve been strugling on and off with something for over a couple weeks. Here’s the deal: I’m using the Python SAX module in combination with XPath to find my way through an XML-based configuration file. When an incorrect option or value is given, I raise an […]
Because I have a bad memory: CodeByExample
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