Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Amazingly enough, I’ve never had the need to find duplicate rows in a table before. But in this case, I somehow forgot to add a key to a particular table in a database and, naturally, duplicates where accidentally inserted. Of course you’ll want to put a key on the table, but first you’ll have to […]
Gravitronic lets us know that a patch that implements namespaces in PHP has now been committed. The last time I took a look at the roadmap for PHP6, it was still undecided if namespaces would make the cut. Seems like they have now (although they could still revert the commit, like they did with namespaces […]
The Python Papers is a free e-journal, including industry and academic articles. We are proud of the diversity of content in our journal, covering Python User Groups from around the world, conferences and other events, open-source projects and the use of Python in commercial organisations.
Most people know about this one: >>> from this import * “”” The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren’t special […]
I never really gave it much thought, but it turns out that, naturally, Javascript supports Object Oriented programming. It’s a bit awkward, but still: /***************************************************************** * Class description *****************************************************************/ function MyClass(param1, param2) { /*———————————————————— * PROPERTIES *———————————————————–*/ this.property1 = false; thisObj.eventHappened = false; /*———————————————————— * METHODS *———————————————————–*/ /** * method1 */ this.method1 = function(param2) { […]
CorePHP took the PHP 6 Developer Meeting notes minutes, which covers the discussion on the upcoming changes in PHP6, and made it into an nice summary article. Interesting stuff. Looks like they’ll be breaking a lot of stuff such as removing the dreaded ‘Register Globals’ option, Safe mode and Magic Quotes. Good. This piece of […]
I used to name my projects based on really cool acronyms like “PROMS” (Project Management System) and “Nimf” (Non-irritating Manager of Files). When I got a bit more serious about my little programmings, I decided not to give them nonsensical names anymore but instead tried to come up with original, but more importantly, meaningful names. […]
Programmers should understand Unicode because * It is one of the cornerstones of software internationalization. * The Web is full of Unicode data. * XML and HTML are based on Unicode. * WinNT-based operating systems use Unicode for all string values internally. This article is a short course on Unicode programming. Every programmer, but especially […]
Many languages (amongst them Python and Perl) provide a way to directly assign the parts of a split string to variables. The syntax usually used is something like: firstname, lastname = “John,Doe”.split(“,”); or something similar. PHP does not support such a syntax. The programmer instead has to perform all spliting, checking and assigning himself. This […]
About CTags Ctags is a great utility. It creates a file with a list of ‘tags’ that are found in various program sources that it finds in the directory where you run it. These tags can then be read by editors so that they know where in the source to find, for instance, the definitions […]
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