Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
I’m finally sick! Hooray! “Why, that’s nothing to be happy about, is it?” you might say. But do know that I’ve been on the verge of being sick for over a month now. Too bad that at that time we were running up against a dead-line, and I couldn’t be sick. Well, I could have, […]
How to Kill Linux. My god, this Dvorak guy is dumb!. While you’re at it, check out his article on Microsoft’s marketing: The word on Microsoft is that it’s a copycat with great marketing. The company, however, likes to toss around the term “innovation” and rarely brags about its marketing. And nobody accepts the company’s […]
Today’s Dilbert cartoon made me relive all those moments during the last elections here in the Netherlands. It’s actually becoming the standard way people react when I say I don’t vote: “But vorting is important! You’ve been given the right, the privilige to vote, and you should use it. And if you don’t vote, you […]
I have joined in the online IRC Idle RPG game on #nethack-idlerpg (Freenode), in seek of fame, fortune, high levels and extraordinary ammounts of idle time. I’m kind of chatty, so this might become a problem. The goal of the game? To be idle. Yes, that’s right, idle. Do not speak a word. Do not […]
I’m a fairly easily distracted person. My schoolcards always had comments on them along the lines of “Good student but easily distracted”, “Sometimes a bit too much of a daydreamer” and “Needs to work on his short attention span”. I’ve always known this, and kind of assumed it was just my personality. But when I […]
I’m normally not much for donating money to charities, because usually those charities are only aiding in the further destruction of the human race by trying to cheat on mother nature. But I’m making an exception for the victims of the earthquake in Azie. All you dutch people, please consider donating to Giro 555.
Chello has upgraded the speeds for my internet connection. I’m now on 4096Kbit down/1024Kbit up, which is equivelant to 512kb down/128kb up. Sweet. Here’s a little proof: I just downloaded the OpenOffice.org 2.0 preview release (94 Mb) in 4 minutes.
Various news sources are reporting that Dimebag Darrel and another undisclosed band member were shot dead during a concert in Ohio. I’ve been a long time fan of Pantera. You can, in fact, say that I’ve grown up with their music, and it has always been a great influence to me. It was one of […]
“The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.” — Oscar Wilde “First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure.” — Mark Twain “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.” — Benjamin Disraeli “Then there was the man who drowned crossing a stream with an […]
Yesterday I set a new personal record concerning heavy-duty coding. I produced 200 kilobyte of code in one day. Worked non-stop from 08:30 to 20:35. That’s almost 17 kilobyte per hour. Now of course you’re probably wondering on what exactelly I’ve been coding so frantically. That’ll be revealed in a couple of days hopefully. Right […]
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