Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Hi, I’m back from Dublin. Here’s a picture of what we did:
I’m off too Dublin for a couple of days. Be back on the 25th. Ahoy mateys!
For the last year and a half, I’ve been terrorized by mosquitos. At night they even had to queue up and draw a number before they got a chance to drain my blood. I’ve tried everything to get rid of them, all to no avail. I kept the windows closed, burnt essence, air-tightly closed off […]
“This will be the year of Linux on the desktop!“. This has been the topic of tech-predicting articles on the web since at least 2001. It’s been repeated (and proved wrong) so many times, it’s even become an Internet meme. But ladies and gentlemen, rejoice. For the year of Linux on the desktop has arrived! […]
I’m back from Lowlands 2007, and it was absolutely fantastic; like always. Three days of music, beer, meeting nice people, eating great food and more beer makes you wish you didn’t have to go back to work. Unfortunately, I’ve got to do exactly that tomorrow-morning. It’s gonna be a rough day. I wasn’t particularly satisfied […]
I don’t buy music CDs. They’re more expensive than they should be, and the prices never drop, even if the CDs are old. I don’t buy music online either, since it’s usually even more expensive than a CD, it has stupid DRM (Digital Restriction Management) restrictions, and you don’t even get the nice booklet. How […]
Here’s a quick list of the Firefox extensions I’m currently using: CookieSafeDeny/allow cookies per-site. DOM InspectorInspect the DOM tree. Useful for debugging Javascript stuff. Download statusbarNo more Downloads pop-ups. This extension puts all your downloads in a bar in the bottom of the window. FirebugThis extension shouldn’t be missing from your firefox plugins list if […]
During this Challenge of the Month: Don’t use refined sugar. According to my friend Wouter, refined sugar is basically pure poison. Refined sugar is the sugar you buy in bags to put in your coffee, tea or whatever. It’s bad for your teeth and bad for your body. Sugar breaks down vitamins and other stuff […]
During this Challenge of the Month: Don’t drink any coffee. I drink too much coffee. And I really mean too much. About twenty mugs a day during weekdays; five a day on the weekend. It’s an addiction, plain and simple. When I stop drinking coffee, I’ll get a headache for two days. Recent scientific research […]
When it comes to computers, I’m what I call a ‘tweaker’ (no relations to tweakers.net, thank you very much). I spend a lot of time getting my computer setup, my directory structure, my documentation, my configuration, my everything just right. This can often take up a lot of my time, but I think I more […]
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