Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Today’s Dilbert cartoon made me relive all those moments during the last elections here in the Netherlands. It’s actually becoming the standard way people react when I say I don’t vote: “But vorting is important! You’ve been given the right, the privilige to vote, and you should use it. And if you don’t vote, you […]
I couldn’t find any websites carrying the news item, but I just heard it on the radio. Something is finally being done about propaganda in the dutch press. For months now, I’ve been hearing news items in which some criminals race/ethnic background was mentioned which had absolutely nothing to do with the news report in […]
I keep finding more and more insightful or otherwise interesting articles on useless-knowledge. For instance, an article on press censorship. A small quote from the article: Now, I do recall a certain FIRST AMENDMENT in the Constitution that prohibits censorship. Furthermore, there is a reason that we have free press. It is to keep us […]
Coincidence has it that after my post on the DVORAK keyboard layout (sorry, can’t link to it. BBcode is broken), a discussion about the same topic has now emerged on slashdot. I’ll quote some of the more interesting posts: (some contents stripped) Ironically, QWERTY was actually designed to slow down the typist to prevent jamming […]
Well, this study suggests that there is no proof for the fact that DVORAK is actually a better/faster keyboard layout. But the evidence in the standard history of Qwerty versus Dvorak is flawed and incomplete. First, the claims for the superiority of the Dvorak keyboard are suspect. The most dramatic claims are traceable to Dvorak […]
There’s a theory called the Broken Windows theory which states, roughly, that once degredation starts, it will soon become worse if not attended too. The theory further suggests that the degradation has more influence than one might expect. This theory is usually brougt in relation with vandalism and crime. I found an interesting transscript of […]
I’m having so much fun reading microsoft.com, I’ve decided to share some more with you: Learn how Internet Explorer is setting the new standard in privacy, reliability, and flexibility on the Web. (source) Q.How do I turn off pop-up ads? A. This fix is for advanced users because it may affect your Web browsing experience. […]
The IT world is full with buzzwords. Slashdot links to an article (funny: check out the buzzword-domainname for that article..iWon.com) in this article. A comment to the article on Slashdot: My favorite: Web Economy Bullshit Generator [dack.com] Dilbert-inspired: The Buzzword Generator [luc.edu] Yet Another Buzzword Generator [1728.com] And there are many, many more buzzword generators […]
Dutch cabinet gives 200 million extra for Asia (Dutch, sorry). The dutch government, most notably minister Van Ardenne, has given an extra €200 million in help-funds for Asia. This is on top of the already given €40 million. Corporations and individuals have also raised an additional €112 million for Giro555. That’s a grand total of […]
Okay, first off all, don’t take what I say the wrong way. I know how zealots react to the kind of stuff I’m about to say. They’ll downplay me, call it FUD, tell me ‘works for me’, and all that other bullshit. But what I’m saying here is the truth, okay. Don’t feel the need […]
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