
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: opinion

Talkers and Doers

A while ago, I wrote a little piece on two types of programmers. The practical programmer and the acadamic programmer. This article describes it better, eventhough it’s much more focused on the shipping end-product. Some excerpts: One day I went to a brown bag lunch, and a lead architect proudly proclaimed that he had used […]

Tight job market, my foot.

When I graduated from the HAN university with my bachelors degree in hand, I was informed that it was a tight job market at the moment. Many of my friends with the same educational background as me where having a really hard time landing a good job. During my first internship I worked at ZXFactory, […]

Dvorak at it again…

NOTE: John C. Dvorak is NOT the inventor of the Dvorak keyboard layout. That would be giving the guy to much credit. In his latest brainspasm misfit, which was accidentally mistaken for an article by PCMagazine.com, John C. Dvorak goes at it again. More ludicrous nonsense by Dvorak! Read all about it! This time Dvorak […]

Firefox Fuckups

Watch me mother[CENSORED], here we go again.. Latest Firefox fuckups: Two major security holes that, in combination, allow remote execution of code, which is nasty to the max. A bug in the extension updater caused Flashblock extension to break during update, which might be the cause of the following problems. Every time I start Firefox […]

IT’s Logic

Some years ago I spent half a year doing an internship at a company named “IT’s Logic”. I wasn’t particularly happy at this company due to the way they did business. In my (and not just mine) humble oppinion, this company had a very unethical way of doing business. The way they treated competition, employees […]

Tridge posts Open BitKeeper compatible tool

Andrew Tridgell (of Samba fame), the guy who allegedly was the cause of the retraction of the BitKeeper license for the Linux kernel, has posted his creation named SourcePuller to freshmeat. From the README: SourcePuller (also known as ‘sp’) is a free client for talking to BitKeeper(tm) source code management servers. It is written to […]

Two types of programmers

The way I see it, there are two types of programmers*: The practical programmer, and The academic programmer The practical programmer The practical programmer knows his stuff. He is experienced and knows what will and won’t work. He’s been through the same training as every other software engineer and has learned the same things. When […]

In the beginning was the command line…

Neal Stephenson, of Cryptonomicon fame, once wrote an article called ‘In the beginning was the command line‘. It’s pretty old, and some of it is very much out of date. It’s still a good read though and he brings up many good points. One of the best points on Apple and Microsoft he makes is […]

How to kill linux.

How to Kill Linux. My god, this Dvorak guy is dumb!. While you’re at it, check out his article on Microsoft’s marketing: The word on Microsoft is that it’s a copycat with great marketing. The company, however, likes to toss around the term “innovation” and rarely brags about its marketing. And nobody accepts the company’s […]

Bug priorities

Suppose there are two bugs in an application you’re writing: One is a bug that is in everybody’s face. All of the testers have noticed it, and it has already been reported numerous times. The real end-users are bound to find it. However, it is a trivial bug and the behaviour it causes is easily […]

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