Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
“In this interview, Erich Gamma, co-author of the landmark book, Design Patterns, talks with Bill Venners about how design patterns are problem solution pairs, how design patterns help you understand intent and tradeoffs, and how to become a better designer through practice.” Some pieces that caught my eye: Bill Venners: In the GoF book you […]
Back in the good old days, Freshmeat.net was the source for getting your daily dosis of new Free Software/Open Source Linux programs. A single visit a day would keep you up-to-date on the lastest important software releases in the Open Source community. Freshmeat’s target audience has always been hard to describe. In the beginning it […]
NOTICE: Please substitute all occurences of the text ‘1.1’ in this article with ‘1.5’. The reason? They’re skipping v1.1 and going straight to v1.5. Too bad I didn’t find out about this Roadmap earlier. About Deer Park Deer Park, the development codename for the upcoming Firefox v1.1 release, hit the Alpha 2 stage last Sunday. […]
This article on News.com is pretty funny. Is it just me, or does this article make it sound like some major scandal was uncovered? It’s friggin’ foxgate! :-) The open-source Firefox browser and Thunderbird e-mail client will be updated for the second time in a week because of code changes that have unintentionally stopped some […]
I have a small request to the world. Can we please have some saner blog entry headlines please? These: “HTML_AJAX” “Come on, that’s all? – Tobias Schlitt” headlines tell me absolutely nothing! The first one’s obviously about something called HTML_AJAX, but what’s it about exactely? Just generally about HTML_AJAX? Then make the headline “About HTML_AJAX”. […]
There are a lot of things I hate about the internet: Internet Explorer only pages, pages with lots of animated gifs, sites hosted at geocities, Flash intro’s on webpages, anything Flash in general, websites with 90% bullshit and only 10% of the screen used for real contents, etc. But the thing I hate most of […]
From a slashdot article: “According to BBC News, the second series of “The Mighty Boosh” will be available to stream from the 19th of July, A full week before starting its run on BBC 3. And then a comment from one of the slashdot readers: It’s ironic that a socialist funded network can innovate faster […]
It’s time to make it official: The Hyperion Cantos are my favorite series of books ever. I just finished the last part, Rise Of Endymion, which was absolutely brilliant. Just like the others: Hyperion The Fall of Hyperion Endymion Rise of Endymion Here’s the current list of my favorite books (or series of books, if […]
For the last couple of years I’ve worked almost exclusively with the Debian GNU/Linux Operating System. The last version of the dreaded Windows Operating System I really used was Windows 98. I’d heard some good things about Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and have even installed Windows 2000 for a while on my desktop machine […]
(Sorry, dutch) Injeholland.nl moet naam wijzigen. DEN HAAG – De maker van protestsite Injeholland.nl moet de domeinnaam inleveren en hij mag de naam Injeholland niet meer gebruiken. Gebruik van de naam schaadt de reputatie van Hogeschool Inholland en vormt een inbreuk op het merkrecht, oordeelde de voorzieningenrechtbank in Den Haag dinsdag in een kort geding […]
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