
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: opinion

I hate….

It should speak for itself because, you know, who doesn’t.. but still: I HATE Javascript. Really. I bloody hate it. I’m not even going to explain why I hate it. If you don’t know, you should try working with it some time. It’s hilarious, truely! I mean.. even location.href=…. has undocumented behaviour. Such a simple […]

Laws of developers documentation

During my programming years, I’ve noticed that Developers documentation adhears to a couple of laws: If you write documentation, they don’t read it. If you don’t write documentation, they complain about it. If you update documentation regularly, they don’t. If you don’t update documentation, they complain about it. If you read other people’s documentation and […]

I, Robot

I saw a trailer for the movie I, Robot and was disgusted. The movie’s supposed to be based on a book by Isaac Asimov. Asimov was one of the best science fiction witers of our time and it was he who conjured up the Three laws of robotics. These three laws were used in his […]

Futile defending of spatial Nautilus

OSNews.com is carrying an oppinion article by Radoslaw Sokol about why people blame spatial Nautilius. For those of you that don’t know what spatial Nautilius is: It’s the feature of Nautilius (the file browser) which causes every folder you click to be opened in a new window. It’s the most hated feature of the new […]

The mess that is RSS

RSS, sometimes claimed to mean Really Simple Syndication and other times said to mean RDF Site Summary, is an XML format for listing new ‘items’ on, for instance, a website. Items can describe just about anything, from news items to new forum posts. I particulary like the meaning ‘Really Simple Syndication’. When you first look […]

Linux IDE’s

Lately I’ve been hearing all kinds of people say “Linux doesn’t have a decent IDE”. For those that don’t know: an IDE is an Integrated Development Evironment, which means that you get a tool that includes all kinds of other tools with which you can easily develop programs. It’s kind of like a mix between […]

Why?! Whyyyy?!

I wrote a really really big, nice entry about XSLT for my log just now. And when it was almost done… Firefox crashed! I don’t know what it is, but since I’ve started working at EastSite, everything with this computer seems to go wrong. it’s as if the more mature Open Source software gets, the […]

Gay marriage

Bush supports an amendment to the constitution that would ban gay marriage. This I really do not understand? I thought the constitution of America was there to protect the right and equality of all its citizens? Life, liberty and the persuit of hapiness, my ass. ‘the persuit of hapiness as long as it fits within […]

ESR’s fuckups

ESR, also known as Eric S. Raymond wrote an open letter addressed at the CEO at Sun containing a ‘plea’ to set Java free. Simon Phipps of Sun responded to it in an interview in PCPro. To this letter ESR replied again. Now, I don’t really care about Raymond’s personal oppinion, nor do I care […]


So, I’ve read there’s another virus on the loose. *g* When will this end? I’ll tell you: never. At least, not until these virusses do some radical damage. They aren’t destructive enough against the right targets. Right now, these virusses do create a lot of problems and damage to infrastructures and companies. The problem is, […]

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