Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Here’s how to set up a jailed / chrooted SFTP/SCP environment for a single user: Note: This is a little specific for Debian in some places, but it should work for other distributions too. You may need to tweak the jailkit configurations in /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini a bit. Get jailkit (http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/index.html#download). Jailkit is an awesome tool that’ll […]
Some quick notes on SFTP. Identity file ssh and scp have an -i option for specifying which file has the private key with which to authenticate. sftp doesn’t have that switch, but you can specify one with the -o switch: sftp -o IdentityFile=/home/user/.ssh/some_key_rsa username@hostname Batch mode If you want to do stuff in batch mode […]
Icons are freaking huge in Gnome. Since I’m not blind, I’d like them a bit smaller. Unfortunately, GNOME doesn’t seem to offer an easy way to do this. There’s the desktop/gnome/interface/toolbar_icon_size in the gconf-editor, but it doesn’t appear to do anything, so that’s not really gonna work. Besides, I have no idea what I should […]
I never really liked Gnome because I couldn’t make Metacity act the way I like it. I’m used to WindowMaker, and it has very configurable keybindings for managing windows. For instance, it’s quite easy to map a keybinding like <Control><Alt>-; to an action that maximizes the currently focussed window horizontally. Another keybinding maximizes the window […]
MBNetFS 0.3.0. SMBNetFS is a user-space filesystem for Linux that allows you browse a Samba/Microsoft network much like the network neighborhood in Microsoft Windows. All I can say is.. Finally!
In an e-mail mailinglist discussion on listing, Linus Torvalds wrote the following: > Frederic told that the options from the PPD file are > intentionally mot listed in the printing dialog, the > usability team of GNOME was against listing these options. > They clutter the dialog and can be more confusing than > useful […]
A little while ago I reported on a little XML toolset called XMLStarlet. XMLStartlet provided a bunch of commandline tools for reading and converting XML files from the commandline. Usefull in scripts. However, it uses a pretty complex interfacing. For instance, you’ll have to know XPath to easily select a particular piece of XML to […]
I recently downloaded OpenOffice.org v2 and am quite happy with it. There are just two problems I’ve found so far. One if that the cursor sometimes shows up wrong. For instance, I’ll be editing on a line, but the cursor will show up on the line below. Annoying, but not something I can’t live with. […]
Those who are familiar with Unix commandline tools like grep, sed and cut will know about the enormous power they provide. They make it a breeze to mangle, transform and retrieve information in and from text files. Unfortunately, they’re mostly dependant on row and column based information. That is, they expect each line in a […]
I use my Debian GNU/Linux laptop both at home and at work. Sometimes I may take it over to a friend’s network so I can show him some stuff. Unfortunatelly, being on a bunch of different networks does pose some problems. When I’m at home for instance, I’d like my firewall to block incoming FTP […]
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