Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
For some reason Ubuntu 7.10 has an ancient version of Transmission. Version 0.74 or somesuch. Unfortunately, that version of Transmission contained some bugs so it’s blocked by certain bittorrent trackers. In order to install a more recent version: You can download a more recent version from the gutsy backports package pool. Uninstall transmission: sudo aptitude […]
I do a lot of remote UNIX administration on various servers and even some desktop machines. This usually means that I’m doing a lot of SSHing into machines, often opening multiple sessions to the same machine at the same time. It quickly becomes tedious to keep having to type ‘ssh fboender@some.machine.com‘ four times in order […]
I didn’t know it, but (Open)SSH supports setting up a Socks5 proxy: -D [bind_address:]port Specifies a local “dynamic” application-level port forwarding. This works by allocating a socket to listen to port on the local side, optionally bound to the specified bind_address. Whenever a connection is made to this port, the connection is forwarded over the […]
Android is here. There’s been a lot of rumours about a Google mobile phone. Now, it appears that there is no gPhone (thank god), but there is a Google Mobile Phone Software Development Kit! The SDK appears to have everything you need to build third-party applications for your mobile phone. The SDK is created in […]
I finally found a good Bittorrent client for Debian. Freeloader. The original homepage doesn’t appear to be live anymore, so perhaps it is unmaintained. But, it’s written in Python, so if I need some functionality that it doesn’t have, I can just add it myself. Here’s a screenshot: Things that are missing (which I’ll probably […]
The dutch consumer-rights organisation ‘Consumentenbond’ has recommended Ubuntu as a possible alternative to Vista after it received 4200 complaints about Vista in four weeks. Translation of the dutch Nu.nl article: Flood of complaints about Windows Vista AMSTERDAM – Consumer organisation ‘Consumentenbond’ has collected 4200 complaints about Vista in four weeks. Vista still isn’t a viable […]
[todsah@zoltar]~$ uptime 22:15:45 up 518 days, 10:02, 3 users, load average: 0.35, 0.10, 0.03 518 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes without rebooting. Pretty good. Of course, this is mostly because of the operating system: Debian GNU/Linux.
“This will be the year of Linux on the desktop!“. This has been the topic of tech-predicting articles on the web since at least 2001. It’s been repeated (and proved wrong) so many times, it’s even become an Internet meme. But ladies and gentlemen, rejoice. For the year of Linux on the desktop has arrived! […]
Nice article on distributing your python applications and libraries with distutils on linux.com
Every now and then, I have to log into a windows machine in order to log expense reports or make a leave request for my work. (The application they use for that at my work doesn’t work properly in Firefox. Welcome to 2007.) Fortunately, we’ve got a big VMWare platform where I can login to […]
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