Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Boxee is a pretty awesome media player for Linux. Now, I don’t have a remote to control it, but I do have a Logitech DiNovo Wireless keyboard with a detachable numeric pad. Modifying Boxee to support controlling it using the numeric pad is rather easy: Browse to the map that contains the Boxee installation. For […]
For a while now I’ve been trying to record my Ubuntu desktop with various levels of success. I’ve been using recordmydesktop to do my recording. Recordmydesktop is a simple commandline tool that outputs an .ogv (Ogg Video) file which is a container format that uses the Theora video codec and the Vorbis audio codec. Most […]
In kind of a follow up to my previous post on using find and sed to search and replace multiple files, I found out something else. I needed to find and replace something in every file, except for any files which had “.svn” in them. After struggling for a few fruitless minutes with -regex, I […]
I always kept a small Python script around for searching and replacing in Linux. Turns out that GNU sed has an inline edit mode which I didn’t know about: -i[SUFFIX], –in-place[=SUFFIX] edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied) This makes searching and replacing in files as simple as: find . -name “*.txt” -print0 […]
Since Debian 4.0 or some such, when your MAC address changes, your interfaces changes too. So if you spoof the MAC address of your nic, or you clone a Debian 5.0 VirtualBox guest and assign it a new different random MAC address, or if your nic broke down and you replaced it, the new nic […]
We started a new site where we can vent our rage on all things sucky about software: Software Bashing: We hate software. With a passion: Fact: All software sucks. We’re here to show you exactly why, and just how much it truly sucks. We don’t discriminate against vendor or development model; all software sucks. We […]
I used to be real pleased with Ubuntu, because it got a couple of things right that Debian didn’t. But I’ve upgraded my Ubuntu install three times now, and every time I upgraded everything broke. The last time I upgraded, everything even remotely having anything to do with sound broke. This was because the geniuses […]
I use terminals a lot. Some years ago, there was a terminal emulator called Gnome-multi-terminal, which could be split horizontally and vertically, and thus giving optimum workspace usage when using many terminals. Gnome-multi-terminal wasn’t being maintained anymore (or at least not regularly) and started displaying some buggy behaviour in newer versions of Debian and Ubuntu. […]
This is nice: I would just like to say….
For a long time Apache only supported a single authentication provider per location. For instance, you’d have: <Location /> Require valid-user AuthType Basic AuthName “FooCoorporation” AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthzLDAPAuthoritative Off AuthLDAPURL ldap://,o=electricmonk,c=nl AuthLDAPBindDN cn=ldapreader,o=electricmonk,c=nl AuthLDAPBindPassword PASSWORD </Location> In older Apaches, it wasn’t possible to add another Authentication provider. So, in the situation above, you can run […]
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