Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
I’ve got this MTek K371L mini-ergonomical keyboard. It’s got 7 buttons on the top of the keyboard for automatic copy-pasting, opening files, etc. They simultate Control-O and those kind of keybindings. These are pretty Windows specific, so I always thought I couldn’t use them under Linux. On the top right of the keyboard are three […]
Apparentely, The Gimp 2.0 had been available in Debian Sid for some time already before I found out. When I did (thanks to Michiel) I apt-getted it at once and started to play with it. I already tried to find a good article somewhere on the internet which discussed the new features in The Gimp […]
An article on OSDN DevChannel describes various Rapid Application Developement tols for Linux. It’s in three parts: Part 1 (Database Frontends), Part 2 (Visual Linux Basics) and Part 3 (More RAD tools). It doesn’t feature all there is about RAD for LInux. I know this because I once conducted a fairly in-depth research into them […]
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