
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: linux

WindowMaker 0.92.0 released

WindowMaker v0.92.0 was released a couple of days ago. The last release (0.91.0) was made nine months ago. I’ve been using WindowMaker as my window manager ever since I started using GNU/Linux. I’ve tried out just about every window manager out there, but none are as good as WindowMaker. It does, however, still contain some […]

Playground: Mozilla style sidebar

Here’s a little Mozilla styled sidebar. It does auto-hiding (move the mouse cursor over it and then off) and has multiple sidebars built in to a single sidebar. Not tested for IE. Sidebar II – The Revenge

Firefox Fuckups

Watch me mother[CENSORED], here we go again.. Latest Firefox fuckups: Two major security holes that, in combination, allow remote execution of code, which is nasty to the max. A bug in the extension updater caused Flashblock extension to break during update, which might be the cause of the following problems. Every time I start Firefox […]

Debian GNU/Linux ‘Sarge’ frozen

Well, it finally happened. Debian GNU/Linux ‘Sarge’ has been frozen. This means that no new packages and no newer versions of packages will be added and that Sarge will become the new stable in a short while. The timeline is as follows: 3rd May: Freeze time and security support now available for testing 5-8th May: […]

Ion2 window manager

Recently, I’ve been giving the Ion2 window manager a try. Ion2 is a window manager with a twist. Window managers like it are sometimes refered to as tiling window managers. Instead of the normal ‘floating’ windows, Ion2 tries to give each window as much screen space as possible. Normally, this would mean all windows are […]

In the beginning was the command line…

Neal Stephenson, of Cryptonomicon fame, once wrote an article called ‘In the beginning was the command line‘. It’s pretty old, and some of it is very much out of date. It’s still a good read though and he brings up many good points. One of the best points on Apple and Microsoft he makes is […]

Becoming a Debian developer

NewForge has a nice article on becoming a Debian developer. The article gives nice insights into the process of becoming a Debian developer. It’s not as easy as it seems. I know some people that know some people that are Debian developers, and I’ve heard about the keysiging thing before. For some reason, I always […]

GTK 2.6 released

They just released GTK 2.6. It’s got a lot of new features that I’ve been wanting: GtkCellRenderers for dropdowns and progressbars (these can be used in a list.. nice for ListPatron) The combo box can now display trees, insensitive rows and separators. Path entry in the file chooser widget (no more need for using ctrl-l […]

Linux 2.6 and iptables

Well, since my server was dead as a brick anyway, I decided to put Linux 2.6 on the new machine during the reinstall, mostly for the ext3 support (yes, I know they also backported it to 2.4) Being used to ipchains, I was always too lazy too find out how the new netfilter stuff worked. […]

Alternative debian sources

If you’re familiar with Debian GNU/Linux, you probably already knew about this internet page (apt-get.org). There you can find complete lists for alternative debian package sources. But did you also know about this one: http://www.backports.org/? “Backports are recompiled packages from testing (mostly) and unstable (in a few cases only, e.g. security updates), so they will […]

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