Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Interesting review of a book: Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why: A review. Thus, the KJV [King James Version of the bible] consists of Jesus’ words twice refracted through the prism of translation. Second, Erasmus’s Greek New Testament was based on handwritten copies of copies of copies of copies, etc., […]
Bad vista!. Bad Vista blog. Thanks Mafkees. :-)
The Python Papers is a free e-journal, including industry and academic articles. We are proud of the diversity of content in our journal, covering Python User Groups from around the world, conferences and other events, open-source projects and the use of Python in commercial organisations.
www.SorryNorwayDenmark.com. Finally some people with sense.
It’s out in the wild: The GNU GPL v3 Draft.
Yesterday evening, being the lazy slacker that I am, instead of working on my project, I was surfing around. I went to freshmeat, saw some interesting project, visited the author’s homepage, saw a link, got to some other guys website where I read that he was the inventor of the word Vexel. There was a […]
PHPbar is a pretty nice sidebar for your browser which contains a quick reference for PHP.
Laddies! It be talk-like-a-pirate-day today! Arrrr! Shiver me timbers.
Those who are familiar with Unix commandline tools like grep, sed and cut will know about the enormous power they provide. They make it a breeze to mangle, transform and retrieve information in and from text files. Unfortunately, they’re mostly dependant on row and column based information. That is, they expect each line in a […]
Because I have a bad memory: CodeByExample
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