Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
Here are some random links to interesting stuff: FirePHP FirePHP is a PHP debugging library and a Firefox plugin which allow you to output debugging information to the Firebug debugging panel. Since it doesn’t intermingle debugging information with your page output, but writes in a special HTTP header instead, it’s especially useful for AJAX debugging. […]
VirtualBox has been getting more and more attention as of late. It is vastly superior to other virtualization programs due to the simple fact that it actually runs on my system. All the others either don’t install (VMWare), crash (QEMU), or are a real bitch to set up properly (Xen). VirtualBox is Open Source, easy […]
Something every PHP developer should be reading: The Unexpected SQL Injection – When Escaping Is Not Enough The conclusions: Write properly quoted SQL: Single quotes around values (string literals and numbers) Backtick quotes around identifiers (databases, tables, columns, aliases) Properly escape the strings and numbers: mysql_real_escape_string() for all values (string literals and numbers) intval() for […]
The war on Vista continues: Say NO to Vista. I’m even recommending Apple Mac’s above Vista!
‘Tis that time o’ the year again, me hearties! Yarrr! Now, where’s me grog?
I finally found a good Bittorrent client for Debian. Freeloader. The original homepage doesn’t appear to be live anymore, so perhaps it is unmaintained. But, it’s written in Python, so if I need some functionality that it doesn’t have, I can just add it myself. Here’s a screenshot: Things that are missing (which I’ll probably […]
NU.nl reports about a (English) Report about the safety of the web. In it, CA reports: Browsers are one of the most commonly used applications today. Many people believe that Mozilla Firefox is more secure than Microsoft Internet Explorer, but their vulnerabilities are on par. In the first half of 2007, NIST reported 52 vulnerabilities […]
A link related to the previous post: The Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie. Thanks Aczid.
Hackers Take Down the Most Wired Country in Europe: At exactly 11 pm, Estonia was slammed with traffic coming in at more than 4 million packets per second, a 200-fold surge. Globally, nearly 1 million computers suddenly navigated to a multitude of Estonian sites, ranging from the foreign ministry to the major banks. It was […]
I’ve been using Vim for years now, but there’s still new stuff to learn. Check out this page for the PDF version of the slides of a talk given by Andrei Zmievski on editing PHP with Vim. His configuration files are also available. Here’s my favourite list of tips: Add the following text to your […]
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