Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
I never really liked Gnome because I couldn’t make Metacity act the way I like it. I’m used to WindowMaker, and it has very configurable keybindings for managing windows. For instance, it’s quite easy to map a keybinding like <Control><Alt>-; to an action that maximizes the currently focussed window horizontally. Another keybinding maximizes the window […]
I write a lot of documentation for various articles and projects. Usually, I’ll use DocBook for writing that documentation. DocBook is an SGML/XML dialect for writing articles, books and other writings. It’s pretty extensive, and it can do a lot. It can export to LaTeX, HTML, PDF and a variety of other formats. But it’s […]
When writing a document, you’ll probably want to refer to another section in the document. For instance: “See chapter 5 for more information”. However, when you insert a new chapter before chapter 5, you’ll have to read through your entire document and update every mentioning of “Chapter 5” to “Chapter 6”. Tedious and prone to […]
Firefox 2.x has a built in session manager. When the browser is restarted after a crash, it re-opens every window/tab that was open before the crash. This behaviour is very annoying to me, as I never properly close Firefox, but always just halt my machine. If you want to disable session managing in Firefox, type […]
Bad vista!. Bad Vista blog. Thanks Mafkees. :-)
Here’s a quick list of the Firefox extensions I’m currently using: CookieSafeDeny/allow cookies per-site. DOM InspectorInspect the DOM tree. Useful for debugging Javascript stuff. Download statusbarNo more Downloads pop-ups. This extension puts all your downloads in a bar in the bottom of the window. FirebugThis extension shouldn’t be missing from your firefox plugins list if […]
Why is it that so many media players omit the stop button in their interfaces? I guess I missed the meeting where it was decided that the stop button was useless and shouldn’t be featured in players any more. A stop button is not useless, and not having one is very annoying because: I often […]
I used to name my projects based on really cool acronyms like “PROMS” (Project Management System) and “Nimf” (Non-irritating Manager of Files). When I got a bit more serious about my little programmings, I decided not to give them nonsensical names anymore but instead tried to come up with original, but more importantly, meaningful names. […]
It’s out in the wild: The GNU GPL v3 Draft.
What’s with all the stupid release names of FOSS projects? Columba 1.0 “Holy Moly“. Firefox 1.5 “Deerpark” I mean, just the trend of nicknaming releases is annoying, but the idiotic names make it even worse.
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