
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: libre software

gCountDown v1.0: Systray countdown timer for Linux

I’ve released v1.0 of the gCountDown program. gCountDown is a very simple alarm countdown timer. It sits in your system tray where you can click it to set an alarm. Once the time runs out, you will be alerted. This release adds the ability to play a sound when an alarm goes off pops up […]

Recording Linux desktop with PulseAudio

For a while now I’ve been trying to record my Ubuntu desktop with various levels of success. I’ve been using recordmydesktop to do my recording. Recordmydesktop is a simple commandline tool that outputs an .ogv (Ogg Video) file which is a container format that uses the Theora video codec and the Vorbis audio codec. Most […]

SQuirreL SQL database browser

I finally found a decent replacement for the MySQLcc database browser: SQuirreL SQL SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc It’s Java, so it’s slow, but it does everything I want, and […]

Templum v0.4.0 released (Simple PHP templating)

I’ve released Templum v0.4.0 Templum is an extremely lightweight, simple yet powerful and fast templating engine for PHP. It re-uses the power of PHP itself for rendering templates, but provides additional features making it easier to write templating code. Rendering templates using Templum is very fast; it approximates native PHP rendering speed for include() statements. […]

HIrcd – minimal IRC server in Python

I wrote a little IRC server in Python: HIrcd is a minimal, hacky implementation of an IRC server daemon written in Python in about 400 lines of code, including comments, etc. It is mostly useful as a testing tool or perhaps for building something like a private proxy on. Do NOT use it in any […]

Software Bashing

We started a new site where we can vent our rage on all things sucky about software: Software Bashing: We hate software. With a passion: Fact: All software sucks. We’re here to show you exactly why, and just how much it truly sucks. We don’t discriminate against vendor or development model; all software sucks. We […]

Templum: Simple PHP Templating

At the company I work for (ZX), we needed a simple yet powerful templating language for PHP. I googled around a bit for something, but we couldn’t really find anything. So I wrote Templum, and ZX was kind enough to allow me to release it as Open Source under the MIT License. From the Templum […]


I’ve written a tool called MyQryReplayer: MyQryReplayer is a tool which can read the MySQL query log and replay an entire session’s worth of queries against a database (SELECT queries only by default). While doing so, it records the time each query took to run, and any queries that failed including their error messages. MyQryReplayer […]

Terminator – Splitting Terminal Emulator

I use terminals a lot. Some years ago, there was a terminal emulator called Gnome-multi-terminal, which could be split horizontally and vertically, and thus giving optimum workspace usage when using many terminals. Gnome-multi-terminal wasn’t being maintained anymore (or at least not regularly) and started displaying some buggy behaviour in newer versions of Debian and Ubuntu. […]

Nice :)

This is nice: I would just like to say….

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