Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
If you’re familiar with Debian GNU/Linux, you probably already knew about this internet page (apt-get.org). There you can find complete lists for alternative debian package sources. But did you also know about this one: http://www.backports.org/? “Backports are recompiled packages from testing (mostly) and unstable (in a few cases only, e.g. security updates), so they will […]
Slashdot and OsNews both report that a new version of Inferno is Available for download. Inferno is meant to be the follow-up OS to Plan9 which, for it’s time, was pretty neat I think. Since Inferno is licensed under a Semi-free license and it runs in a virtual machine on Linux, I decided to give […]
Linux Weekly News writes: “Novell has sent out a press release pre-announcing Evolution 2.0 (which will be available in the third quarter). Perhaps more interesting is the announcement that the proprietary Connector product, which interfaces Evolution with Microsoft Exchange servers, will be integrated with Evolution and released under the GPL.” Go Novel! Go Novel!
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Well, after almost exactelly two years, the WTP project is finally finished, stable and (as far as I know) bug-free. So I released version 1.0. Changes include some small bugfixes and tests with win32 FTP servers (which seemed to work straigt away). Now Murphy’s law should be kicking in, and people will suddenly start reporting […]
There has been a vote on an amendment to the Debian Social Contract. The amdendment extends the non-free policy of Debian to cover not only software but just about everything about Debian. Where in the past documents and things such as firmware where apparentely allowed in the main archive even if they were not free […]
Apparentely, The Gimp 2.0 had been available in Debian Sid for some time already before I found out. When I did (thanks to Michiel) I apt-getted it at once and started to play with it. I already tried to find a good article somewhere on the internet which discussed the new features in The Gimp […]
I’ve been using WindowMaker for years now, and thought I knew about it’s possibilities pretty well. Turns out there’s a feature I really didn’t know about. When pulling up the ‘Windows’ list, normally done by clicking the middle mouse button, you will get a list of all the windows currently open on every virtual desktop. […]
An article on OSDN DevChannel describes various Rapid Application Developement tols for Linux. It’s in three parts: Part 1 (Database Frontends), Part 2 (Visual Linux Basics) and Part 3 (More RAD tools). It doesn’t feature all there is about RAD for LInux. I know this because I once conducted a fairly in-depth research into them […]
Years ago I worked for a small company named Terrazur (back then it was named Assist-Online, actually). There I continued something which I started with Zetion. This something happened to be our graduation project from college. At Terrazur I worked as an intern on improving and adding various modules to Covide (at one time called […]
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