
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: libre software

Firefox is buggy

Okay, first off all, don’t take what I say the wrong way. I know how zealots react to the kind of stuff I’m about to say. They’ll downplay me, call it FUD, tell me ‘works for me’, and all that other bullshit. But what I’m saying here is the truth, okay. Don’t feel the need […]

Autoconf / Automake

I’ve been working all weekend on getting my latest project, ListPatron (which hasn’t been released yet) working with the GNU Build environment. I had to move a lot of stuff around in CVS, which I don’t particularly like since that means older checkouts won’t work anymore. Alas, nothing I can do about it, except perhaps […]

Free monitor/keyboard/mouse switch

No money for a hardware monitor/keyboard/mouse switch? Check out X2X. From the description on Freshmeat: “x2x allows the keyboard and mouse on one (“from”) X display to control another (“to”) X display.“. Now I can simply run “x2x -north -to eek:0” and whenever I move the mouse off the top of the screen on my […]

No EU software patents for now

GrokLaw announces, in this article the following: “In a totally unexpected turn of events, the EU Council took its proposal for a software patent directive off its agenda during today’s meeting. […] Polish undersecretary Wlodzimierz Marcinski asked for additional time in order to be able to write up a “constructive declaration”. The meeting chairman accomodated […]

GTK 2.6 released

They just released GTK 2.6. It’s got a lot of new features that I’ve been wanting: GtkCellRenderers for dropdowns and progressbars (these can be used in a list.. nice for ListPatron) The combo box can now display trees, insensitive rows and separators. Path entry in the file chooser widget (no more need for using ctrl-l […]

Firefox v1.0 released

It’s finally here. Firefox v1.0. Changes for this release include better tabbed based browsing, more languages and lots of bugfixes. Spread the word. Press release Unfortunatelly, the fix for this bug didn’t make the cut for FF1.0 :(

CVS v.s. Subversion

Just the other day I realised something: CVS Sucks. I mean, you can’t even move a file around in the repository! How dumb is that? It also has all kinds of problems with empty directories and other file problems in general. So I decided to do some research into Subversion. And it just so happens […]

Listpatron sneak-preview

It might appear that I haven’t been working on any projects for a while, but looks are deceiving. A little while ago I announced that I would be diving into GTK 2.0 in preperation of the porting of Nimf to GTK 2. I started with creating some simple lists and, before I knew it, I […]

Gnome Application repository

Finally, there’s a gnome application repository: http://www.gnomefiles.org


A little while ago my coworker was visiting this site, and I quite liked the idea. I’ve always felt that there’s too much nonsense news around on the web, and scanning all news sources has become an increasingly difficult and tedious task. Fortunatelly there’s RSS, which allows you to view the headlines of all interesting […]

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