
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Category: libre software

GNU Source Installer

A new project, the GNU Source Installer, popped up. […] a graphical tool which provides configuration, compilation, installation, tracking and removal of source packages. Basically, it’s a front-end to configure && make && make install. This screenshot describes it best. But the cool part is de-installation and easy access to information on installed packages. This […]

X.org enters Debian Unstable

X.org has finally entered Unstable (Sid) version of Debian. It’s been available for testing from people.debian.org before. I recently – yesterday as a matter of fact – installed it from there, since it wasn’t available from the main debian archives yet, and everything worked rather nicely. This is also the first X server I’ve ever […]

WindowMaker 0.92.0 released

WindowMaker v0.92.0 was released a couple of days ago. The last release (0.91.0) was made nine months ago. I’ve been using WindowMaker as my window manager ever since I started using GNU/Linux. I’ve tried out just about every window manager out there, but none are as good as WindowMaker. It does, however, still contain some […]

Playground: Mozilla style sidebar

Here’s a little Mozilla styled sidebar. It does auto-hiding (move the mouse cursor over it and then off) and has multiple sidebars built in to a single sidebar. Not tested for IE. Sidebar II – The Revenge

Firefox Fuckups

Watch me mother[CENSORED], here we go again.. Latest Firefox fuckups: Two major security holes that, in combination, allow remote execution of code, which is nasty to the max. A bug in the extension updater caused Flashblock extension to break during update, which might be the cause of the following problems. Every time I start Firefox […]

Debian GNU/Linux ‘Sarge’ frozen

Well, it finally happened. Debian GNU/Linux ‘Sarge’ has been frozen. This means that no new packages and no newer versions of packages will be added and that Sarge will become the new stable in a short while. The timeline is as follows: 3rd May: Freeze time and security support now available for testing 5-8th May: […]

Interesting Free (libre) Software I

I don’t know about you, but I regularly visit sites like freshmeat.net and Gnomefiles.org for my daily dosis of new and improved Free Software announcements. Sometimes you run into things that are ideal for trying out on a lazy Sunday afternoon. So I decided to start posting any interesting software I see here in a […]

Tridge posts Open BitKeeper compatible tool

Andrew Tridgell (of Samba fame), the guy who allegedly was the cause of the retraction of the BitKeeper license for the Linux kernel, has posted his creation named SourcePuller to freshmeat. From the README: SourcePuller (also known as ‘sp’) is a free client for talking to BitKeeper(tm) source code management servers. It is written to […]

Yet More Firefox Extensions

Every now and then I take a little time to check out Mozilla Firefox extensions to see if anything new has popped up. This time I found some extensions that I hadn’t noticed before but which are highly recommended by me from now on. Document map Document Map displays the current HTML page’s structure (headings, […]

First testing of GPL in court?

In my RSS reader, I just noticed a story about an injunction against Fortinet for GPL violations. (Original press release) The preliminary injunction on holding sales by Fortinet was filed by gpl-violations.org and granted by the Munich district court: The gpl-violations.org project has uncovered violations by Fortinet UK Ltd., the UK subsidiary of Fortinet Inc., […]

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