Ferry Boender
Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.
I don’t buy music CDs. They’re more expensive than they should be, and the prices never drop, even if the CDs are old. I don’t buy music online either, since it’s usually even more expensive than a CD, it has stupid DRM (Digital Restriction Management) restrictions, and you don’t even get the nice booklet. How […]
Interesting review of a book: Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why: A review. Thus, the KJV [King James Version of the bible] consists of Jesus’ words twice refracted through the prism of translation. Second, Erasmus’s Greek New Testament was based on handwritten copies of copies of copies of copies, etc., […]
Unauthorized spying on U.S. citizens’ international tele-communications will continue, as an appeals court in Cincinnati dismissed the case brought against the Bush administration to stop the surveillance activity. The illegal wiretapping program was authorized by Bush after the 9/11 events and allows the monitoring of (amongst others?) international telephone calls e-mail. “The Bush administration is […]
www.SorryNorwayDenmark.com. Finally some people with sense.
From Slashdot: The New York Times is reporting that the “volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged.” The NSA gained the cooperation of many American telecommunication companies after 9/11 to access streams of communication, both domestic and international, as a […]
We’re next! My prediction: When the shit hits the proverbial fan, the cabinet will get blamed because they support the U.S. in the war on terror/Iraq against the wishes of the dutch public.
I believe that: Data retention is an invasive tool that interferes with the private lives of everyone; Retaining personal data on everyone is an illegal practice in terms of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as it is disproportionate; Security gained from retention may be illusory, as it is likely that traffic […]
In my RSS reader, I just noticed a story about an injunction against Fortinet for GPL violations. (Original press release) The preliminary injunction on holding sales by Fortinet was filed by gpl-violations.org and granted by the Munich district court: The gpl-violations.org project has uncovered violations by Fortinet UK Ltd., the UK subsidiary of Fortinet Inc., […]
World Press Photo 1957: Douglas Martin, USA, The Associated Press. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 4 September 1957. Dorothy Counts, one of the first black students to enter the newly desegregated Harry Harding High School. Probably one of the most courageous persons in the world.
Today’s Dilbert cartoon made me relive all those moments during the last elections here in the Netherlands. It’s actually becoming the standard way people react when I say I don’t vote: “But vorting is important! You’ve been given the right, the privilige to vote, and you should use it. And if you don’t vote, you […]
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