
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Sla (Simple Little Automator 🥗) v1.1 now supports long rule descriptions

Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Version 1.1 of the Simple Little Automator adds the ability to have long descriptions for build rules. For example:

install () {
    # Install sla
    # Install sla to $PREFIX (/usr/local by default).
    # You can specify the prefix with an environment variable:
    # $ PREFIX=/usr sla install
    # Set the prefix
    env install -m 755 ./sla "$DEST"
    echo "sla installed in $DEST"

This documentation can then be access using sla <rule> --help. E.g.:

$ sla install --help
install: Install sla

    Install sla to $PREFIX (/usr/local by default).
    You can specify the prefix with an environment variable:

        $ PREFIX=/usr sla install

Get the release from the Github releases page.

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