Manually scrolling a Python GTK Webview
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
I was trying to manually scroll a (Python) GTK embedded Webview in order to position the webview back to where it was after setting new contents with webview.load_html_string(html, 'file:///')
. I couldn’t get it to work, and Google wasn’t of much help either.
I could scroll the Webview just fine from a key-press-event handler on the main window like this:
def __init__(self): # -- Removed some code here for brevity -- self.scroll_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow(None, None) self.scroll_window.add(self.webview) self.win_main.connect("key-press-event", self.ev_key_press_event)
def ev_key_press_event(self, widget, ev): if ev.keyval == gtk.keysyms.t: self.scroll_window.get_vadjustment().set_value(100)
But automatically scrolling when something happened to the webview (in my case new content being set via webview.load_html_string()
) didn’t work.
It turns out that the webview is still handling events and won’t allow scrolling using `scroll_window.get_vadjustment().set_value()
` until all the events are handled.
You can manually handle all the pending GTK events before starting scrolling like this:
def __init__(self): # -- Removed some code here for brevity -- self.scroll_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow(None, None) self.scroll_window.add(self.webview) webview.connect('notify::load-status', self.ev_load_status)
def ev_load_status(self, webview, load_status): if self.webview.get_load_status() == webkit.LOAD_FINISHED: while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration_do()
The solution above works for me on both initial load of a document and subsequent changing of the webkit contents using `webview.load_html_string()`.