Simple function caching in Python
Tuesday, September 15th, 2009
Python dynamic nature continues to astound me. I was working on a small library when I noted it did a lot of redundant IO calls. Now I’m not one for premature optimization, but a while ago I was thinking about writing a decorator or something that would wrap around functions and methods, and cache the returns. Turns out it’s way easier than I thought, and I whipped this up in a couple of minutes:
# Public Domain.
__cache = {} # Global cache
def fncache(fn):
Function caching decorator. Keeps a cache of the return
value of a function and serves from cache on consecutive
calls to the function.
Cache keys are computed from a hash of the function
name and the parameters (this differentiates between
instances through the 'self' param). Only works if
parameters have a unique repr() (almost everything).
>>> @fncache
... def greenham(a, b=2, c=3):
... print 'CACHE MISS'
... return('I like turtles')
>>> print greenham(1) # Cache miss
I like turtles
>>> print greenham(1) # Cache hit
I like turtles
>>> print greenham(1, 2, 3) # Cache miss (even though default params)
I like turtles
>>> print greenham(2, 2, ['a']) # Cache miss
I like turtles
>>> print greenham(2, 2, ['b']) # Cache miss
I like turtles
>>> print greenham(2, 2, ['a']) # Cache hit
I like turtles
def new(*args, **kwargs):
h = hash(repr(fn) + repr(args) + repr(kwargs))
if not h in __cache:
__cache[h] = fn(*args, **kwargs)
new.__doc__ = "%s %s" % (fn.__doc__, "(cached)")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
Save to a file named ‘’ and import it into your program. Then decorate your functions and methods with it, and their output will be cached. Python rocks. Remember, only use for functions that do heavy calculations, file or network IO. Determining the uniqueness of the function call is rather expensive.