Monday, November 12th, 2007
There’s been a lot of rumours about a Google mobile phone. Now, it appears that there is no gPhone (thank god), but there is a Google Mobile Phone Software Development Kit!
The SDK appears to have everything you need to build third-party applications for your mobile phone. The SDK is created in Java, has rich 2D and 3D graphics layers and, naturally, the default Google API stuff such as Google Maps. There’s also an emulator that allows you to test your application. Why can’t all SDK’s be as cool as this one? And the best thing: it’s Open Source!
So, here’s the homepage; the presentation by Sergei Brin and an overview of the architecture (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).
Not only is Google providing this SDK for free and as Free/Open Source Software.. they’re also offering a total ten million dollars in sponsoring to the best and most original mobile applications built with it! Put that in your pipe and smoke it Apple!
Now, all we need is a phone that runs Android. Are you listening mobile phone builders? Nokia? HTek?? We need a phone that can run Android!