PHP: Directly Assign Exploded Parts To Variables
Saturday, February 11th, 2006
Many languages (amongst them Python and Perl) provide a way to directly assign the parts of a split string to variables. The syntax usually used is something like:
firstname, lastname = "John,Doe".split(",");
or something similar. PHP does not support such a syntax. The programmer instead has to perform all spliting, checking and assigning himself.
This little snippet of code allows you to directly assign parts of an exploded string to variables or -if the exploding does not match the number of variables- assign defaults.
function explodeAssign($string, $seperator, $vars) {
$temp = explode($seperator, $string);
if (count($temp) != count($vars)) {
} else {
for ($i = 0; $i != count($temp); $i++) {
$vars[$i] = $temp[$i];
$string is the string you want to explode.
$seperator is the seperator you want to use.
$vars is an array containing pass-by-reference variables. (this is important, otherwise it won’t work)
Some examples:
if (!explodeAssign(
array(&$firstname, &$lastname, &$age))) {
$firstname = "John";
$lastname = "Doe";
$age = "20";
print("Hello $firstname $lastname. You are $age years old.n");
if (!explodeAssign(
array(&$firstname, &$lastname, &$age))) {
$firstname = "John";
$lastname = "Doe";
$age = "20";
print("Hello $firstname $lastname. You are $age years old.n");
The output of which will be:
Hello ferry boender. You are 25 years old.
Hello John Doe. You are 20 years old.
Hope it’s useful.
Update: Not as useful as I thought, as PHP has a list() language construct:
list($firstname, $lastname, $age) = explode(",", "ferry,boender,25"));
print($firstname); // ferry