The big ‘spring’ cleaning
Thursday, September 22nd, 2005
I’ve been busy lately. I’ve been very busy. I’ve been busy at my job, I’ve been busy with my own projects and I’ve been busy sorting out some things in my personal life. As such, some things that should, aren’t being taken care of:
- PROMS has been suffering from a bug which prohibits the sending of e-mail notifications on just about everything in PROMS.
- Another bug which is even more severe is causing problems with uploading files. These need to be fixed.
- ListPatron needs to be rewritten and development on it must start again.
- My Curriculum is in dire need of an update.
- My fileserver is in a state of complete chaos. Even worse: some of the stuff that should be on there is on my laptop and some of the stuff on the fileserver should be on my laptop.
- Backups of all my machines are done manually (and therefor sometimes forgotten). I need to set up a whole new backup environment that can work across, from and to multiple machines at asynchronous times.
- My development environment looks like a garbage dump. Both my code repositories and the testing environment closely resemble a big plate of spaghetti.
- I’ve been slacking my security. It’s not quite bad enough that I wouldn’t write about it here, but it could use a good polishing. Sufficed to say I haven’t done a proper security audit in months.
- My health insurances need to be checked, dubble checked and tripple checked since the government is gonna change everything (for the worse) again. Maybe I should move to one of those scandanavian countries. They say health insurance policies are pretty good there. (Not to mention the women. ;-)
- A gazillion other things I haven’t gotten ’round to fixing.
In about a week I’ll have some time off from my job. Hopefully I’ll get some stuff done then. In the meantime, I might need to follow the advice in my previous post instead of writing new log entries. Shame on me.
First thing will be taking care of my health insurance. I think I’ll get around to it this weekend. Runner up is fixing PROMS. Then I can design and implement a new backup environment. In between all this I’ll probably clean up my file server. Then I get to do the massive task of reorganising all my projects. I’m really looking forward to that last one.. Not!