Java is weird
Monday, June 27th, 2005
You know.. a language that has two different, non-interchangable, types for integers is a language I’ll never trust to do anything right.
Especially when I try to compare two numeric values (an int and Integer) with eachother and it starts spouting errors like this:
*** Semantic Error: The type of this expression, "java.lang.Integer", is not numeric.
Brilliant! A non-numeric integer! How does that work? (Yeah, yeah, I know there’s reasons for it; don’t get technical on me. It’s FUBAR, that’s what it is).
This is the first language I ever worked with that doesn’t allow me to compare two numeric values without casting an integer to a different type of integer.
Java is such a waste of time. It’s supposed to be such a big convenience to program in, but I’m wasting about 50% of my programming time converting one type of thing to another. The API is horribly inconsistent; one date manipulating function requires a Date object, the other requires a SimpleDateFormat object, etc. It’s tiring
It’s not even that I wish Java was weakly typed or anything. It just seems the language API was designed by twelve different people who never even communicated with eachother while doing so. Java’s API is even worse than PHP’s when it comes to inconsistancy, and that’s saying a lot.