
Ferry Boender

Programmer, DevOpper, Open Source enthusiast.


Interesting Free (libre) Software I

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

I don’t know about you, but I regularly visit sites like freshmeat.net and Gnomefiles.org for my daily dosis of new and improved Free Software announcements. Sometimes you run into things that are ideal for trying out on a lazy Sunday afternoon. So I decided to start posting any interesting software I see here in a weekly/monthly/yearly installment. Lets see if I can hold up to that promise ;-)

Postgresql AutoDoc

Postgresql AutoDoc has the ability to output XML, which can be loaded into Dia to create a UML diagram of the database (complete with table relations and descriptive information), an HTML form for further detailed information, GraphViz .dot output, and Docbook 4.1 style SGML for inclusion with project documentation as an appendix.

In other words, generate documentation from a database. Too bad I don’t use Postgresql


QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation.

It’s a Free VMWare clone. Preinstalled Operating System images can be downloaded here. I tried the Freedos image, and boy, does it boot fast. Pretty neat. Pity I couldn’t figure out how to get local software on the image. (And I was too lazy to recall how to mount an image using loopback under Debian)

VLC Media Mplayer

Yet another multimedia player for GNU/Linux et. al. Haven’t tried it out yet, but it’s supposed to be better than MPlayer. I sure hope so. Though viewing the screenshots reveals that it uses another one of those totally crap WinAmp interfaces. I hate those. (whine, whine, whine)

Well, that’s it for now.

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