How to kill linux.
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005
My god, this Dvorak guy is dumb!.
While you’re at it, check out his article on Microsoft’s marketing:
The word on Microsoft is that it’s a copycat with great marketing. The company, however, likes to toss around the term “innovation” and rarely brags about its marketing. And nobody accepts the company’s view of itself but me. I argue that Microsoft is a technology-centric company with incredibly poor marketing. So poor that it cannot even convince the pundits that it is anything but a me-too developer.
Is this guy high or something? Microsoft has excellent marketing. It doesn’t even try to convince people that it isn’t a copy-cat company. Often enough Microsoft have said their strategy is embrace and extend. EMBRACE and extend. E M B R A C E. That means ‘steal’, Dvorak!
Just goes to show that even though someone has a big name doesn’t necessary mean he has brains.