Research courses
Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
For the past half year we’ve been working on a research topic and constructing a course extracted from the research report. This is the last project I’ll have to pass so I can start my last internship. After that I will have graduated from the HAN university.
The courses I have followed so far (we all have to follow 3 courses done by fellow students) were pretty interesting. On monday I attended BioPython, which was actually more biology than python, but quite interesting nontheless. I’ve always liked biology, and especially evolutionairy theories. So BioPython and it’s biology introduction were pretty nice (lots of gene stuff).
Today I attended the User Interface Design course, which was about the interfaces of websites. I can’t really say I learned all that much new stuff, since I already designed my share of websites. But it did ring a bell or two about bad user interface designs for this site. Obviously, I’ve corrected most of them by now. My excuse for not testing those things earlier: This site is still in development, mmkay? ;-)
Tomorrow I’ll have to show up for yet another course, which will be Active Directory Design. Very curious what’s that going to be about. After that, on thursday, I’ll have to teach our own course: The Linux Kernel Internals. We’ve researched things like the memory manager, schedular, virtual filesystem, etc for the last half year. I hope people will like the course, though judging by the content of the other courses, ours might be a little on the heavy technical side. Bah, who cares… Thou shalt code die-hard C. Keep your fingers crossed for us.